Get Started

There are a variety of ways to start using our raster and vector data. Below outlines a few popular softwares that can read our data.

R Studio

To read Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs in R using the `terra` or `raster` package, you can refer to the code below. By using the `/vsicurl/` prefix followed by a URL, GDAL treats the remote file as a regular file. This allows for reading and processing of the data without the need to download it explicitly to the local system.

                #Change to the raster url you want to read in. 
                cog <- rast("/vsicurl/") 
                #Change to the raster url you want to read in. 
                obj<- raster("/vsicurl/")

We have also developed an R function to read all geospatial layers in the S3 bucket. After running the bucket() function, it returns a dataframe of the URLS and other metadata for each geospatial layer. Please explore our MerkleLabGIS R package for other functions that might be helpful to your project.

                dt <- bucket()

                #Create a stack of rasters of interest
                rap <- dt[dt$Category == "Landcover_RAP",]
                data =  rap[1:2,]
                rs<- terra::rast(paste0("/vsicurl/",data$url))



You can read a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) in QGIS - streaming straight from its online location instead of downloading it. First you will need to find a COG of interest.

  • Navigate to the Map tab and explore avaialble Geotiff files. Use the "Copy Raster URL" button once you've found the raster of interest. This will copy the link you need to your clipboard. You can paste this into a scratch pad document to use later, or you can just not copy anything else and use it in our next step in QGIS.
  • Open QGIS 3.2 or later
  • Naviagte to the data source manager within QGIS. This provides an interface for a variety of data sources. In the Data source manager Browser choose the 'Raster' dialog and select 'Protocol: HTTP(S), cloud, etc.'. In the protocol dialog, select Type 'HTTP/HTTPS/FTP' and paste the URL from the link location.
  • Click 'Add' and when the COG is loaded into QGIS, close the Data source manager.

This looks about the same as downloading and using a GeoTIFF locally. But the power of the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF becomes apparent when you zoom in. On fast connections it should take less than a second to redraw, at full resolutions. This is a little slower than downloading the whole file and loading it up locally. The advantage of using the Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF is that you can zoom to anywhere within seconds, instead of waiting for a huge GeoTIFF to download.

ArcGIS Pro

You can read a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) in QGIS - streaming straight from its online location instead of downloading it. First you will need to find a COG of interest.

  • Navigate to the Map tab and explore avaialble Geotiff files. Use the "Copy Raster URL" button once you've found the raster of interest. This will copy the link you need to your clipboard. You can paste this into a scratch pad document to use later, or you can just not copy anything else and use it in our next step in ArcGIS Pro.
  • Download the python tool box here and unzip to your computer.
  • Open ArcGIS Pro
  • From the ribbon tab in ArcGIS Pro, click the Insert tab. In the Project group, click Toolbox and click Add Toolbox.
  • Browse to and select the downloaded .pyt script from step 2.The toolbox should now appear in the Toolboxes folder in the Catalog pane.
  • Double click on the script "Add COG" from the Toolbox.
  • Paste the URL from step 1 into the COG URL field and click Run.

View data in map viewer

Explore the geospatial layers hosted by the Merkle Research Group and gain valuable insights into ecological and environmental data. The map viewer offers interactive access to a wide range of information, including landcover details and Wyoming hydrography.

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